
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

From USC to J.G. Boswell

I officially got an offer letter from J.G. Boswell Company!! An offer I was not expecting and I am so happy. I cried when my recruiter told me that I am wanted there as a staff accountant. It's a pretty big deal for me because it is finally my foot in the door in the world of accounting. I am so happy I get to continue growing in what I actually have interest in and as long as the Lord wills for me to continue working I will seize the opportunity! I have the best recruiter- Beth- from Robert Half Finance & Accounting. There are different divisions within the staffing agency- the Accountemps (could be temp to hire) and the Permanent Placement Division. Beth is from the permanent placement division. I felt like she grabbed my hand and helped me land this job at J.G. Boswell, she communicated with me through every step of the way and was available for me to ask her any questions I had. I seriously did not expect anything to come out of this company because they are swarmed with so many qualified applicants, but by the grace of God, within the sea of resumes, Beth was able to spot me as an applicant for such a great company.

2/29/2012 This morning, I went to USC and returned my keys, thanked them for the opportunity, explained that I had to move on.... and here I am moving on and couldn't be any happier about it.

Some Snap Shots from the USC adventure I had: 

It is a very pretty campus.
Parking was the biggest challenge- needed permit that was sold out and had to figure out where to park ($1/hour)- so what it meant: work started at 8:30 a.m. I had to leave the house by 6:50 a.m.; find parking and walk to the branch.

I was already set and ready to be trained... (I went ahead kept the lanyard so I can look at it and PRAISE God for delivering me out of that situation and giving me more than I ever hoped for).
With the new job:
-I will be able to leave my house within 25 minutes and get there with time to spare.
-I won't have to search for parking, there is a parking lot for the employee's cars & its F-R-E-E!!
-I am not going to be hourly---  :) which I appreciate because every day is so different and sometimes you need a later/earlier lunch or you need to come in later or leave earlier or stay later!
-I don't have to do sales!
-I am going to be in the field I went to school for and if need be this experience will open up doors to other opportunities. I am so thrilled and so thankful to God for allowing this to happen.

This has really taught me that there is no point to worry about things you really have no control over. I gave this over to God, diligently pursued the opportunity, prayed about it, and was preparing for any answer because God knows exactly when to give what. And I guess this was my time/turn to get the job!

Praising Him!

"Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things." - Matthew 6:31-32

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

January in Review

I can't believe it's the end of February already, but before this month wraps up; I will go ahead and do some highlights from the month of January 2012.

- Vlad started his first semester on campus at Seminary
- Moved into Burbank Apartment
- Sold Civic (bittersweet- my very first car which was just never the same after it's first accident- and now I get to drive a car... which I will not complain about ;) Thanks to Mr. Husband in welcoming me into the BMW family.

This is us being super happy because we just faxed over our lease papers and were approved! We finally had an address in the Los Angeles area!
Then we headed off to our New Years Party with our friends:
One night of fun was not enough, so we had a New Years Part II:

Sister Time before leaving:
With our Lovely Grandma Sophia:

A more structured review of February coming right up :)...

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Coming Together

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, not let it be fearful." -John 14:27

Boy, the past week has felt like a month. I guess that could mean many things... but in my case it means a GOOD thing. Praise God!! Adjusting down here is not too bad... It lightly hit me once on Tuesday late afternoon (last week)... and that is IT... no more hits (at least for now).

Now let me tell you, I am so glad we chose to relocate to the city of Burbank, after driving around in multiple neighborhoods, I feel so safe and at home in Burbank. In some parts of Los Angles, one wrong turn, and game over---- not really over but game on because you can end up in a not so friendly neighborhood (for all I know those who I am afraid of could be the nicest people) but since I don't know, I lock my doors, roll my windows up, throw my purse on the floor, and DRIVE. Okay maybe that is exaggerating a bit; but honestly I had one incident where that was the truth, I cried my whole way home after being so scared. That's how I react, while I am scared my adrenaline rushes and keeps me calm, but after that passes I can cry for quite a while... there is probably a scientific explanation for this, but I was an accounting major, so I cannot elaborate on the science of adrenaline other than for the fact that it is important!  

Here is a glimpse of what I drive through every day... it's actually pretty eye appealing--- all the buildings (downtown LA), this part of the 110 reminds me of capital city freeway in Sacramento because 5 lanes become three= lovely bottle neck...however, cars actually move fast enough where I cannot take a picture of what I really see.

 Some Great Things are Happening: 
- Our apartment is finally coming together after rearranging a few things here and there a few times, it finally feels like home and even smells like home (more on that later).
- We are going to become members at Grace Community Church.
- I met and am meeting some wonderful people here--- I'm pretty sure I will brag about these brothers and sisters! Right now we are praying about the College of the Canyons bible study.
- I love having our own place again--- I feel grown up and "wifey" again.
- I REALLY appreciate having two garaged parking spaces!
- JG Boswell is responding pretty positively!! (the company I really want to join).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Finishing Off the Week

Well here comes my end to living in three different homes. I guess it’s more normal to have one place… and that is what I am going to transition to now. When all the commotion of moving started it was rather overwhelming, I had things in Citrus Heights, Natomas, and Los Angeles. My husband was 400 miles away from me for 5/7 of the week well more like 4.5/7 of the week. And all we talked about was the m-o-v-e. Not only us but also those around us… Very often we got a surprised look from those who thought we moved and most of the time when we parted ways with friends it was a hug of well we might not see each other for a while. Week after week this has been the case…. but now after this week ends, come Monday Vlad and I are leaving TOGETHER and probably for at least 2-3 weeks before we come back… or perhaps even more time. We need to make our Burbank apartment our HOME (for now). Thanks for all the prayers and support because I feel at peace with this transition and starting my new job at USC ß I feel so fancy saying that…. Yes…. I am a USC employee… no not faculty… I might elaborate on this later.
It has been rather sweet to be able to spend some more time with my parents and sisters while I lived with them Monday night through Thursday. And it was also sweet to spend some more time with Vlad’s parents from Friday through Sunday. Everyone has been so sweet, supportive, patient, loving, caring, giving, and thoughtful. I am so blessed to be surrounded by my loving family. My little sisters and parents are my best friends. I also hope that the distance in miles doesn’t grow a gap between us and our nice, tight, circle of friends. I am very thankful to have them in my life. I can’t imagine living 6 hours from them all but I don’t have to imagine it anymore, because it is actually happening. It seems like many people survive the separation and I guess I have to be part of that people group who are far away from their parents, siblings, and friends.

Now my hope is that all my loved ones find some time in their busy schedules, come visit us, help us make Burbank more “homey”, and make Los Angeles not seem so far away.   
Look at all the great things you can pass along the way to visit us… I hope you like fields, vista points, rest areas, travel centers, and straight roads!!! Easy-Peezy of a road to travel! 

Now to finish off the week I have plenty of farewell dates to go on with my family, friends, and coworkers, which I will share photos of once I am situated in L.A. with my computer, camera, and all.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

One Thing Certain

God is so good to me. He is so patient with me despite of my impatience in certain circumstances (working on that now and for the rest of my life). There is one thing certain in the midst of all my uncertainties and that is: my Father knows, cares, loves, and will deliver. This has been a great time/opportunity to have to trust God in decisions that seem so big to us right now.  Fighting the fight of faith :).

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

Moving Progress:
One way ticket has been purchased for Vlad to fly into Sacramento on Friday the 17th to pick me and my stuff up  to officially move me down to Los Angeles! Southwest is the best with their $68.80 trips (one-way)= price of gas and time!
Now lets come back to the present: We have one eventful weekend coming right up! Vlad will be driving back up to Sacramento either tonight or tomorrow--- that's always a treat in itself. February holds a very special weekend, two super important people in my life were born.Vlad's birthday is on Saturday (2/11) and Mama's is on Sunday (2/12)!  
One more thing to brag about: my boss. In the midst of being nervous with leaving my current job, he assures me that if I ever come back I MUST contact him first! Wherever in the financial world he will be. He stated that his feelings would be hurt if I didn't... I sat and cried while I listened to him say that, because I don't deserve to hear that--- but I didn't argue and said of course! and you bet I will--- if that's where I am at in a few years.
I have different emotions with the official final move, but I am looking forward to living in one home with all my things in one place and most importantly my HUSBAND.
I will make sure to keep myself busy as soon as I officially move there. I already have a to do list such as: I have a goal to find my $106 IKEA store credit that I mysteriously packed away, in a not obvious way. (In August I thought it would be a treat to find $106 to IKEA in one random box, well all the boxes have been unpacked and IKEA store credit is no where to be seen) So I hope my gift from myself shows up soon, because I want to get something from there and I refuse to spend $106 not with that card--- because I know it's somewhere!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 by faith in future grace

Oh my, the past couple of days have been rather eventful and a great exercise of faith for me. No matter how afraid I am of change, it's happening and it is stretching me in all positive directions. I am soley banking on the promises of God.

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." Psalm 56:3

I made it to and from Los Angeles just fine, no car nor phone troubles. Thursday night was a nice and relaxing evening, although I was a bit nervous about my upcoming interviews the following morning, I still had a sense of peace. So instead of being nervous and wasting a perfect evening by being weary, I was able to enjoy my Burbank home from the start. It was very nice to see and be with Vlad.

On Friday I drove down to my interview, 14 miles away from the apartment= 45 minute commute in the busy morning.... Not too shabby. After the interview the COO told me that he would make a decision within two hours and I might be called back to meet with the CEO, so I went to my car, wasn't really sure what to think, but I gave it to God and wasn't going to take it back. I was ready for a yes or a no. I sat in my car and enjoyed reading through Jude and by the time I was done I received a phone call from the manager of the branch I applied for (btw Jude is only 25 verses long) so the phone call was less than 30 minutes later. She told me that I didn't need to meet with the CEO and I got the job!!! I am not sure who sounded more excited her or me, but it was one exciting phone call. And after about 4 hours of thinking about it, talking it over with Vlad, praying about it, I accepted the offer. DONE.

Then I also had an opportunity to meet with 3 individuals at Robert Half Finance and Accounting in Pasedena, this was a great opportunity and hopefully will open up a door for me within the accounting field. The manager even asked me if I ever thought of doing what she does, recruiting, I laughed and asked if she was sure because I have not been very good at finding the right job for myself. But she was serious and I might be interested.

Now, enough of my never ending job seeking blabbering. Did you know that Safeway in Los Angelss is VONS? Well it is and the first thing I did was sign up for the club card to get the club savings. So Vlad and I are officially in with our VONS club cards... It's linked to my cell phone #... FYI my friends--- so don't pay the higher prices, that's for visitors. We bought much yummy foods and enjoyed dinner at home just like the old times.

Saturday was a very fun day. While Vlad went to a Tirubian writing class, I went ahead and did a load of laundry for the first time in the laundry place on site, which went well, since the apartment complex is rather small and people take care of their things, the washers and dryers are nice and clean and the room they are in is also nice and clean... Nice and clean makes me happy. $2.50 per load.... I am not sure how happy that makes me but it is what it is. Then, I decided to be creative and type out a meal plan for Vlad, so that way when he is alone he doesn't have to always eat unhealthy. Now I hope he found it useful, we shall see.

Now to the fun part: when Vlad came home we had a delicious brunch, Vlad washed the carpet (twice), and we headed out to Santa Monica for the late afternoon through sunset. Followed by dinner at Zankou Chicken in Burbank and a movie, Courageous. Ah it felt so good to be with my husband at home, together, just as before.

On Sunday, for the very first time we attended the church service at Grace Community Church. We went to the 8:30 am service and Crossroads right after. Listened to great sermons. Met some new people who I will have to re-meet about 3 more times to remember everyone. And then had lunch at Mark's and Anna's. Such sweet siblings, they are very encouraging, and make the big and strange Los Angeles smaller and more homey. I am looking forward to becoming even better friends with them. It was difficult to leave because we were enjoying spending time together, but I had to get on the road, back to Sacramento. Then it was also difficult to leave Vlad when we got to our apartment for me to pick up all my stuff. Another week break from from each other, but it's helping me to stay objective and leave emotion out of my situation.

I ended up driving out by 5:30 p.m. which means I drove in the dark by the time I got to the summit. I had to be grown up and just do it. By the time I got back to Sacramento... My cold which has been developing since about the Thursday I left became a vicious yucky cold, so after so much action my body gave up and decided to let me get sick.

I had to go to work because I wanted to not delay even a day to put in my two weeks. So it's official my last day at work here is on the 17th of February. 5 years later I am leaving Premier West Bank. Bittersweet.

Now with my two weeks in, I am at home, in bed, sick. Hope to feel better soon because I have a few people to see before I head out.